Consultation on the Nature and Spatial Concept of technical actions in progress

Work on the detailed planning of technical activities planned in the Kampinoskie Bagna 2 project is coming to an end. The consortium of Komes Water and Multiconsult Polska, presented a draft of the Nature and Spatial Concept of technical actions, in which all planned technical activities are described, along with their location, ordinates and execution technology. Thanks to hydrological modelling, the Concept also describes in detail the impact of the planned activities on the waters of the Kampinos Forest.
The Concept is currently undergoing consultation. At the beginning of January it was sent to local self-governments, PGW Wody Polskie, Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) and other local stakeholders, and it is now also available on the project website for public consultation. The Concept was also discussed at the Project Steering Committee meeting held on the 10th of January 2023 in Izabelin.

The Concept (in polish) can be found here. At the same address you will find a form for submitting proposed changes to individual chapters (use of the form is not obligatory).

We encourage you to read the Concept. Please send any comments by January 31, 2023 to

2022 REC Polska