

Study visit “River restoration in England”

From 13 to 17 May 2024, members of the project team, together with invited guests from conservation-related institutions, made a study visit to England on river restoration. Our guides were… Więcej »

New bat species in KPN

Thanks to the detector monitoring carried out in the Kampinoskie Bagna 2 project, three new bat species have been found in the KPN area for the first time – the… Więcej »

World Wetlands Day 2024

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This date commemorates the signing of the so-called Ramsar Convention in 1971, an international agreement to protect wetlands. Within the… Więcej »

Conference ‘Small-scale retention – great opportunities for self-governments’

On 18 October 2023, a conference dedicated to representatives of local self-governments was held in Warsaw entitled Small-scale retention – great opportunities for self-governments. The main organiser was the Department… Więcej »

Adaptation of cellars for overwintering amphibians completed

We spent the autumn adapting the 27 Kampinos cellars to accommodate overwintering amphibians. The basic and most important measure was to make the exit clear by building ramps on the… Więcej »

The picnic season is over

This year we visited with our stand three picnics organised in the Kampinos communes. These were the Earth Day in Granica organised by the Kampinos National Park, the Children’s Day… Więcej »

Project mid-term report accepted by UE Comission

We are pleased to announce that the agency CINEA (The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Agency) has accepted the mid-term report of the ‘Kampinos WetLife’ LIFE19 NAT/PL/000746 project, i.e. it… Więcej »

Public consultation on the Nature and Spatial Concept of technical actions completed

From 16 to 31 January 2023, public consultations were held on the Nature and Spatial Concept of technical actions (C1-C4) concerning the construction of small retention facilities – damming thresholds… Więcej »

Consultation on the Nature and Spatial Concept of technical actions in progress

Work on the detailed planning of technical activities planned in the Kampinoskie Bagna 2 project is coming to an end. The consortium of Komes Water and Multiconsult Polska, presented a… Więcej »

On October 10-13th we organised a study tour for the project staff and invited representatives of administration offices cooperating in the Kampinoskie Bagna 2 project. Together, we visited 8 wetland… Więcej »

2022 REC Polska