Project mid-term report accepted by UE Comission

We are pleased to announce that the agency CINEA (The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Agency) has accepted the mid-term report of the ‘Kampinos WetLife’ LIFE19 NAT/PL/000746 project, i.e. it recognised that the project is being implemented correctly and is moving towards the planned positive environmental outcomes. The report covered the period from the beginning of the project, i.e. from September 2020, to the end of February 2023, and included all aspects of the project – both technical activities, i.e. what has been achieved, as well as management and, of course, financial issues. Alongside the report, a request has been made for the next tranche of payments amounting to almost €1.3 million. These funds will be spent primarily on the implementation of hydrotechnical measures, the designs of which have already been completed, and on active nature conservation measures such as grazing and mowing meadows or the restitution of selected snail species. The report is the result of the hard work of the project partners, for which we would like to thank them!

2022 REC Polska